damage n. 1.损害,损伤;〔口语〕伤害,毁坏。 2.〔口语〕费用,代价。 3.〔pl.〕 【法律】 赔偿损失;赔偿金。 What's the damage? 〔口语〕要花多少钱? a claim for damages 赔偿损失的要求。 costs and damages 讼费和损害费。 I will stand the damage. 我来掏腰包好啦。 do [cause, inflict] damage to 损害。 sustain great damage 受到重大损害。 vt. 损坏(房屋等),损伤;毁坏(名誉等)。 damage one's reputation 毁坏名誉。 vi. 被损害。 adj. -able 易受损害的。
The gross appearance , as seen here in a patient with organizing diffuse alveolar damage , is known as " honeycomb " lung because of the appearance of the irregular air spaces between bands of dense fibrous connective tissue 如图正在机化的弥漫性肺泡损伤病人,外观是典型的蜂窝肺,因在不规则致密纤维结缔组织间有较多含气孔而得名。